What are foam tape?

Foam tape is a type of adhesive tape that has a layer of foam or sponge-like material on one or both sides. The foam layer can provide a variety of benefits, including cushioning, vibration dampening, and sealing.

Foam tape is commonly used in various applications, such as in construction, automotive, and electronics. It can be used to attach objects to surfaces, seal gaps and joints, and reduce noise and vibration.

Foam tape comes in various thicknesses and widths to suit different applications. Some types of foam tape are also designed to be weather-resistant, heat-resistant, or suitable for outdoor use.

When using foam tape, it’s important to ensure that the surface is clean and dry before applying the tape to ensure good adhesion. It’s also a good idea to consider the weight and size of the object being attached, as well as the environmental conditions the tape will be exposed to, to select the appropriate type of foam tape for the job.