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We know that there are many types of tapes, and different tapes are used in different scenarios, and different tapes are used in different fields. Conductive tape is also a type of tape. Conductive tape is to make conductive media into conductive strip products. It has the characteristics of good flexibility, strong adhesion, and good electrical conductivity. It is widely used in anti-shielding applications. It has better electrical conductivity than metal and is easy to process and operate.

Conductive tape is a kind of metal foil or conductive cloth with high conductive adhesive. Its conductive adhesive and conductive substrate form a complete conductor, which can be bonded to any metal surface to complete electrical lapping and electrical sealing of gaps. . Conductive tape is an affordable, easy-to-use shielding material. Used to seal the seams of EMI shielding rooms, casings and electronic equipment, wrap cables for shielding, provide a reliable grounding surface, and provide electrical contact to surfaces that cannot be soldered. Conductive cloth tape combines the conductive shielding performance of conductive cloth and the softness of the tape The characteristics of obedience are more lightweight and durable. In the environment of dynamic friction and corrosion, it still has a good shielding effect. It is a good shielding material and has a wide range of applications.

Conductive Tape
Conductive tapes usually use matrix resin and conductive fillers, namely conductive particles, as the main components. Through the bonding effect of matrix resin, the conductive particles are combined to form a conductive path and realize the conductive connection of the adhered materials. Since the matrix resin of the conductive adhesive is an adhesive, a suitable curing temperature can be selected for bonding. At the same time, due to the miniaturization and miniaturization of electronic components and the rapid development of high density and high integration of printed circuit boards, The conductive adhesive can be made into a paste to achieve high line resolution. Moreover, the conductive adhesive has a simple process, is easy to operate, and can improve production efficiency, so the conductive adhesive is an ideal choice for replacing lead-tin soldering and realizing conductive connections.

Conductive tape combines the softness of cloth and the high conductivity of conductive media, making it widely used in plasma TVs, LCD monitors, mobile phones, laptop computers, desktop computers, PDA, MP3, MP4 and many other consumer electronics products. Especially in electronic products to small.