كيفية استخدام الشريط اللاصق على الوجهين

The double-sided tape we use every day is usually torn off and can be used, but is the real double-sided tape used in this way? The answer is definitely no, why do you say that? Let the editor take you to understand how to use double-sided tape correctly. After reading it, you may find that you have been using double-sided tape in the wrong way for so many years!

Tissue paper double sided tape
The correct way to stick double-sided tape:

  1. We put the plate, tape and plate-mounting roller at the same room temperature for a period of time before plate-mounting;
  2. Before pasting the plate, the printing plate and the plate mounting cylinder must be cleaned;
  3. If the plate is pasted on the sleeve, the minimum air pressure must be used to prevent the deformation of the sleeve;
  4. The junction of the double-sided tape should be staggered from the junction of the printing plate;
  5. When pasting the tape, it is best to use a squeegee to evenly paste the tape on the roller in a parallel sweeping manner, and there should be no air bubbles between the tape and the plate roller; (if any air bubbles remain, use a needle to pierce them out)
  6. Before determining the position of the printing plate, avoid premature contact between the printing plate and the tape. After determining the printing position, remove the protective layer of the tape and stick the printing plate on the tape in a parallel sweeping manner with a rubber roller;
  7. When cleaning the printing plate during the printing process, avoid the cleaning solvent from touching the tape, so as not to damage the tape;
  8. When removing the printing plate from the tape, the angle between the printing plate and the tape should not exceed 90 degrees.
  9. Leave about 5mm at the interface of the plate, and use 3M 1600 electrical insulating tape to seal the plate. It can effectively avoid ink pollution caused by plate interface warping caused by plate wiping, and it is very economical.
  10. Excessive and repeated use of double-sided tape will cause poor overprinting, especially when there are new ones in a set of plates and it is easy to happen when it has been used for a long time.

After knowing how to use double-sided tape, we can use double-sided tape in the correct way in our future life. Of course, we can’t use it too rigidly, and use double-sided tape flexibly.