Nastro di avvertenza decorativo con linea tratteggiata del logo del nastro di avvertenza di colore inferiore giallo con parola nera

Warning tape, also known as caution tape or barrier tape, is a type of tape used to warn people of potential hazards or to block off an area that is unsafe or restricted. It is usually brightly colored, such as red or yellow, with bold, black lettering or symbols to clearly convey its message.

Warning tape is commonly used in construction sites, crime scenes, and other areas where people need to be kept away for safety or security reasons. It can also be used to mark off areas that are off-limits or to indicate the location of underground utilities, such as gas or water lines.

It is important to note that warning tape should not be relied upon as the sole means of preventing accidents or injuries. It is merely a visual warning and should always be accompanied by appropriate safety measures, such as barriers, signage, or personal protective equipment.

Naikos Factory