What brand of tape is good?

Regarding which brand of tape you asked, I will give you the following answer:

  1. From the price point of view, we must choose moderately priced ones. Of course, what we are most concerned about is the price. A good product with a good price is a reasonable choice. You get what you pay for, and of course not the most expensive is the best, this is a misunderstanding. There is also a good regular brand, preferably a manufacturer, so that the product quality will be guaranteed, and we will be more at ease.
  2. In terms of performance, of course, it is necessary to choose a good adhesive tape, and there are many kinds of tapes, such as high temperature tape with good temperature resistance, and cloth tape and carpet double-sided tape are commonly used on exhibition carpets. Weather resistance is also a part of the consideration, because the temperature difference between winter and summer is large and the seasonality is obvious. So no matter which tape you choose, you must consider these main aspects.
  3. The brands I know are 3M and Tesa, but their prices are a bit high. NAIKOS, a Chinese manufacturer, has a relatively economical price.