Qual é a função da fita protectora e como utilizá-la?

Shielding tape is also metal tape. Electronic signals will interfere with some electronic products. Regardless of whether the positive and negative signals are fully received, the surface of the shielding tape will immediately go to the ground wire, so that the outer layer of tape will not affect it. There are two kinds of tapes in the market, one is copper foil tape, and the other is aluminum foil tape. Generally, copper foil tape is selected, which is fast and environmentally friendly.

Shielding tape is a kind of metal foil or conductive cloth with high conductive adhesive. Its conductive adhesive and conductive substrate form a complete conductor, which can be bonded to any metal surface to complete electrical lapping and electrical sealing of gaps. . Shielding Conductive Tape is an affordable, easy-to-use shielding material.
Used to seal the seams of EMI shielding rooms, housings and electronic equipment, wrap cables for shielding, provide a reliable grounding surface, and provide electrical contact to surfaces that cannot be soldered.