Pita Dua Sisi Selotip Selotip, Bantalan Termal, Pita Spul
Pabrik & pemasok solusi pita industri, pita spul penjualan global, selotip pelukis, bantalan termal suhu tinggi, selotip dua sisi khusus, selotip tembaga dan aluminium foil.
Xiamen Naikos New Materials Co, Ltd yang berlokasi di kota Xiamen, Fujian, Cina, adalah produsen dan pemasar global terkemuka di industri kaset yang peka terhadap tekanan.
Perusahaan dengan jalur produksi otomatis dan peralatan canggih. Untuk menyediakan layanan satu atap bagi pelanggan untuk R&D independen, produksi, dan pemrosesan pemotongan.

Produk Kami

Paper Tape

Pita tisu

Polyester/Polyimide Tape

Copper/Aluminum Foil Tape
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Tema baru
The Types and Characteristics of PET Tapes
PET tapes, also known as polyethylene terephthalate tapes, are a type of adhesive tape made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) materials. They are widely used in
Innovation and Development of the Foam Tape Industry
In the past few years, the foam tape industry has seen significant innovation and growth. This special type of tape, known for its cushioning and
What is the difference between thermal paste/thermal grease/thermal pad/thermal gel/thermal tape?
The performance of electronic devices continues to improve, but they also consume more power and generate more heat. If heat cannot be dissipated efficiently, the